Curriculum Intent
At Kempston Rural Primary School the curriculum is current and relevant and is designed to: provide first hand learning experiences, recognise children’s prior learning, allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.
We celebrate differences within our school community and recognise every child as unique and individual. We believe the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values underpins the ability to learn. At Kempston Rural Primary School we provide opportunities to enhance and enrich learning within each year group as we believe that children should have hands on experience, be happy, display a growth mindset, be investigative and have scope to build their curiosity.
Children leave our school with a love of learning and the confidence and skills to make decisions, question, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.
Curriculum Implementation
Details of each class's curriculum can be found on their class page in the format of a Knowledge Organiser and links to a whole school Curriculum Overview can be found below.
All children are taught in individual year groups. The curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils and intervention is planned and taught where required to ensure all children make maximum progress. If you require more information about our curriculum, please either contact the class teacher, using their class email account, or the school office
A structured phonics programme, Essential Letters and Sounds, is taught on a daily basis in EYFS and KS1. Booster lessons are also taught where appropriate.
We teach a creative curriculum where the skills and key objectives from the National Curriculum are taught in a way that is exciting, challenging and relevant. The Core subjects are English, Mathematics, and Science. RE is not a National Curriculum subject but is a compulsory subject. The curriculum is enhanced with visitors into school and by school trips out of school. Our curriculum is reviewed annually to ensure that it remains relevant and that it meets the needs of our school community. It is also designed to complying with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
Please refer to our Equality and SEND policy for further information.
After reading the information published on this and the class page, you would like to find out more about the curriculum in our school please contact us on 01234 854286, email where you will be directed to the appropriate member of staff.
The creative curriculum at Kempston Rural;
- Meets statutory requirements
- Offers breadth and balance in an appropriately stimulating manner encouraging a sense of wonder, curiosity and a desire to increase knowledge
- Develops literacy, numeracy and scientific skills
- Develops I.C.T. skills
- Develops an interest in historic, geographic and social aspects
- Differentiates to include all groups of pupils including those with special educational needs
- Encourages good habits regarding health and hygiene
- Ensures Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development
- Teaches British Values
Information about the topics being covered in class can be found in the 'Classes' link. Here you will be able to access your child's homework grid and topic booklet. You will also find some interesting photographs of work being enjoyed in school.
Sex and Relationships Education
Parent workshop PowerPoint
A Guide for Parents and Carers - JIGSAW scheme
In Kempston Rural we teach phonics through the 'Essential Letters and Sounds' programme in EYFS and KS1
Phonics is taught daily in a sequential order. All members of staff delivering the phonics programme are trained in delivery. Parents joining EYFS are given instruction on this in a parents evening. Any child in KS2 who requires additional phonics intervention will also receive this through Essential Letters and Sounds in a small group setting.
Early Years
Young children learn through play as well as from the more formal areas of the curriculum. The Early Years Foundation Stage of the curriculum is vital as it is here that the children have their first experience of school. It is our aim to make this experience a positive and exciting time for every child that enters Kempston Rural Primary School.
Children in are taught in accordance with the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage
Follow the link to see an overview of learning in each year group and for each subject.
An overview of the subject areas being taught each term can be found via your child's class page in the format of Knowledge Organisers for each area of the curriculum.
Each topic area is taught for one half term, therefore there are six topics each academic year.
Year Group Overview of Curriculum Coverage
Whole School Curriculum Coverage 2023-2024
EYFS -Super Six Core Texts
English -Reading Representation and Diversity
English - Reading Journey
English - Phonics Progression
English - Reading Progression
English - Transcription
English - Vocabulary, Punctuation and Grammar
English - Handwriting and Composition
At Kempston Rural Primary School we provide all children with essential homework to enable them to practise skills and learning they have already done in school. Our aim is not to over burden our pupils as we recognise that their leisure time is important, where they can enjoy family time and develop communication and social skills as a result.
Therefore as a school we aim to focus on key skills, reading, spelling and number facts such as times tables. Although on occasion there may be other homework tasks to complete for specific purposes, our aim is to keep these to a minimum.
Reception Class - To learn nursery rhymes, songs and read books together. Talk about the difference between pictures and words, titles, authors’ names and predict what will happen next in the story. Read poems and rhymes and information books as well as stories. Children will have letter work/ phonics to do at home and games to play. Once children can read, they should read their school book every day for approximately five minutes.
Year 1 and Year 2– To read their school book or another book every single day at home for around ten to twenty minutes. Discuss the way we read punctuation as well as words, how bold or italic words are read differently. Look for how advanced punctuation is used. For example, speech marks, brackets, commas, apostrophes etc. It is very important that adults discuss these things with their child as they are not likely to notice them on their own. Weekly spellings should be practised over the week, either one or two words each day or all at once depending on your child’s preferred learning style. Children in Year 2 are expected to learn the 2, 5 and 10 Times Tables. Practising Times Tables facts at home can help develop fluency.
Year 3 and 4 – To read their school book at home either independently or to an adult depending on their reading fluency. This should be for around twenty minutes each day. Weekly spellings should be practised over the week. Children should also practice Times Tables facts, in Year 3 children will learn the 3, 4, and 8 times tables and in Year 4 all times tables up to 12 x12.
Year 5 and Year 6 – Many of the aspects of Year 5 and 6’s homework is in line with the homework for Years 2 to 4. Reading should increase to include regular sustained periods so that children develop the habit of ‘getting into a good book’. Although fluent readers are likely to be reading independently by this age, parents/carers still need to hear them to read out loud to develop their fluency in harder text types. Developing readers will still need reading support on a daily basis. Weekly spellings and Times Tables facts to also be practiced.