Kempston Rural

  1. Statutory Information
  2. Admissions and Attendance


Please click here for the Admissions Policy




For information on Bedford Borough Maintained School's admissions and applying for a place online Click link below:



Attendance is key to children's success.  As a school we closely monitor attendance, and celebrate good attendance in school.  Parents are kept informed of their child's attendance in interim and end of year reports. Whole school attendance is reported in newsletters home. 100% attendance certificates are awarded at the end of each academic year.  However, if a child's attendance is highlighted as falling below an expected level, parents are contacted and if necessary meet with the Local Authority Welfare Officer in school to put an action plan in place to address any difficulties.

Our target this year is to achieve 96% attendance across the whole school.

Click on this link to read our attendance booklet.

For further information on statutory guidance please click on the link below.